Safe relationships between children and dogs
Dogs are wonderful companions and the most popular pets worldwide. Dog ownership appears to provide psychological benefits for the child, in terms of emotional, cognitive, behavioural, educational and social development.
Unfortunately there is a downside to this relationship. Dog bites in children represent a serious health and safety issue for both families and the pet dog involved.
Because most of the dog bite accidents with family dogs result from seemingly benign (from the human perspective) interactions , the aim of The Blue Dog story is to stimulate awareness in parents about how their dog behaves when being hugged, petted or approached in different situations
The Blue Dog game depicts specific child / dog interactions that are considered may lead to potential risk situations, and is aimed to create parents’ awareness about preventive strategies.
Go to the Blue Dog Story App by Clicking THE BLUE DOG
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For more information
Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft DVG
Contact :
United Kingdom
Professor Kerstin Meints